detroit michigan
this incomplete information compiled by lunar because no one else has done it
detroit is well known for being the heart and soul of "techno" music, and for being the town where a lot of it originated in the 1980s...from the likes of cybotron, model 500, derrick may, kevin saunderson, blake baxter...and later, jeff mills, mike banks, carl craig, kenny larkin, and so on.
it is also known as "america's city gone wrong," and "murder capital of the us." it is from this city of industrial collapse that these (primarily black) artists emerged.
here are some websites from which you can learn more about detroit and its music:
+ 313 detroit techno mailing list and website
+ 7th city detroit techno distributor
+ submerge collective from detroit
+ underground resistance music label and political collective under the submerge umbrella (unofficial)
there are also soundfiles available to hear two of detroit's most influential songs:
the main record store in detroit is actually in a northeast suburb called roseville. it's called recordtime (810 775 1550). submerge's store is in the downtown area, called somewhere in detroit (located in an area now slated for demolition, incidentally), and there are other things going on such as the shelter and the warehouse nightclubs, several promotional companies doing events, and a "techno-friendly" art collective/gallery called the cement space. if i can come up with more info on these soon, i'll put it up. hopefully someone from detroit will be adding to this shortly...
more detroit links:
+ planet e communications promoting the future-jazz techno music of carl craig and others
+ dale lawrence's nude online magazine
+ last updated 30 may 96

regions - michigan